Its been quite a while since Maxis' previous SIM release, SimCity
3000. Sim fans have been awaiting the release of The Sims for
quite a while now. The innovative concept of simulating the lives
of people is a risky genre, without many games to look back on
and learn from, but Maxis gave The Sims its best shot.
The graphics in The Sims are nothing special, as you can see from
the screenshots, which is fine because Sim games are not noted
for their advanced graphic engines. The main focus of the engine
here is to easily be able to display a large number of animations
used by the characters in the game for different actions,
animations such as sitting down at a table, eating, cooking,
preparing food, and so on. Despite what you may think, The Sims
does not use motion-capture methods for these animations.
Apparently this was tried but rejected because doing it on their
own made it look smoother. Also it is possible to make your own
animations for the character for your own objects that you can
create, if you download the appropriate tools.
Like all Sim games, The Sims is a management game of sorts,
though the twist here is that you are managing a person, several
roommates, or a nice big family, whichever you want. Upon
starting the game, you can create your own characters with points
distributed to a few attributes such as neatness, playfulness,
outgoing and some others. Then you choose your character model,
name and you're off. There aren't an awful lot of attributes to
choose from, but it still gives your character a sense of personality.
You can then choose to buy a template house or a plot of land to
create your own. Creating your own house is extremely simple,
and thus doesn't have all that much room for innovation, which is
a pity. You simple plonk your walls about the place and then stick
a few doors/windows about before starting to furnish it. The
amount of things with which you can stuff your house with has had
a lot more work done on it, with a large amount of varying items
available for purchase. Though many of the items are simply
improved versions of cheaper ones. All items also have a nice
description with them, and what it offers to your Sim. For example,
a stereo has a FunFactor of 4, Room of 3, and +Group Activity. You
take care of your Sim by carefully monitoring his 8 bar graphs,
which display different emotions like Hygiene, Social, Room
(Room is how much he likes the room he's in), etc. The objective is
basically to get all these bars up as high as possible and keep
them there, this means juggling your time to allow your Sim to
have some fun playing basketball or pool and still have some time
for social activities, eating dinner, taking a bath, going to the
bathroom, do some studying, going to sleep, and so on. You can
choose one out of 10 career paths, starting from lowest and then
getting promoted to something really good at the end. Promotions
are gained by going to work happy (keep bar graphs up), filling the
required statistics for your Sim (creativity, logic, etc. which you can
study and learn) and a certain amount of friends.
That's the game then. Sounds really quite nice on the surface,
which it is, but there are a few problems that crop up during play.
First, it's the fact that playing as a bachelor is extremely irritating
in regards to juggling time. Its extremely difficult at first to keep up
your social life along with other activities (since eating dinner
takes about 1 1/2 hours), the only way to survive is to exploit
perhaps an oversight by the developers where if you skip every
second day of work you don't get fired. Proposing to somebody
can also earn you the message "I can't think on an empty
stomach" or "I haven't sat down enough", which is just a bit of a
jolt from the realism of life. The game still has some problems with
realistic social interactions, you can hoard up all the women in the
game in your own home, and your wife won't really care. Also
your wife can take in some guys and your character won't care
either. It's just not very polished off. Socializing is also rather a
boring activity, which mainly involves "talking" until you reach the
50-100 friendship level, and then doing some of the advanced
things like tickle, back rub, kiss, joke, entertain, none of which are
really any different, all just put up your friendship rating a bit
quicker than talking. The fact you need a certain amount of friends
to get promotions is also just really frustrating, trying to hoard
people all to your home, while a phone call takes about 30
minutes each, and then trying to talk to most of them, usually for a
few seconds till they run off to the toilet or something.
The Sims also supposedly features a teaching routine where you
can tell your Sim to "go to the bathroom, flush, wash hands" and
he'll remember it and do it in that order. Now if I hadn't specifically
been told this I never would have guessed it really. I never told
him to do it in that order, but he does it anyway, so I don't quite
see this teaching routine in it.
As a conclusion, I must warn any action gamers that victory does
not come too quickly, you must spend some time on the game to
learn how to balance your Sims' needs and not get depressed all
the time. The game is quite fun to play for hours on end, though
frustrating in the beginning, and is rewarding when you do well
(though it can quickly go all crap again). An original concept that's
been pretty well carried out, with no real game-breaking flaws,
just some irritating features that could have been worked on some
more. There are a lot of game tools available for this on the web
at The
Sims Official Website
which will keep most people
happy for a while creating new objects, faces, skins, animations
and houses. A good buy then, for hours of simulated life fun.