Giants: Citizen Kabuto has been one of the more
covered games this year. Lots and lots of previews (heck even WE
did a preview and we seldom do previews) and lots and lots of
press and screenshots make it one of those hyped up games. Hype
isn't always what the end product is, so that's why we here at GO
like to put forth our opinion and see if they live up to expectations.
Planet Moon designed and developed G:CK and for
those of you who don't know that developer, it's a good number of
the boys and girls from Shiny that produced the original MDK. If
that's any indication of exactly how this game is going to turn out,
expect the unexpected, don't figure on everything being typical,
and last of all, it better be funny.
G:CK is one of those games that mixes lots of genres into
a single game. There are a lot of real-time strategy aspects that
the game builds on, but the gameplay style focuses more on direct
action. Unlike the typical RTS, where you have units galore, Giants
is more focused on a small numbers of units. With the 3rd/1st
person views and it's fast paced nature, it turns heavily into an
action game.
The storyline is based on a rock hurling through space.
Unlike most rocks hurtling through space, this one has oceans and
islands and inhabitants. The three main species decide that they
want the world all to themselves so they proceed to fight the
others off. The Meccs are hotshot space boys who find the islands
wandering through the galaxy. With their spaceship damaged,
they're on the island looking for a way to get back home. The Sea
Reapers are the original species of the islands. Some fine looking
women that were chased into the seas by their own creation and
the third species, the monster known as Kabuto.
This game is truly innovative in how it plays. Each
species is so entirely different from the others that it's like playing
an entirely different game. Playing as the Meccs felt so much like
Tribes with the jetpacks and team-based strategies. With the
emphasis placed on teammates and technology, G:CK gets started
up quickly. You give orders to your squadmates and then get down
and dirty with some heavy weapons. Interesting weapon designs
take good ideas from other games and put them all together into
what could almost be considered a FPS (or third person shooter
depending on your view preference? it does both!) with some
Switching to the Sea Reapers, you're now more on the
level of a game like Sacrifice or Wheel of Time (though this is a
little too FPS) where spells take precedence over actual weapons.
Rain down hail or throw a firewall at someone, while you pick
down their health with bows and arrows, or summon up sea
creatures to kick some ass for you. The strategies on the Sea
Reaver side are more along the subversive side then the straight
up aggressive tactics of the other two sides.
Kabuto is ? well ? one big ass dude. He doesn't need
much help from others since he can eat basically anything that
gets close enough to him. Once he gets powered up, he can lay
some eggs and bring forth some demon spawn to go chew down
the competition. Loaded with some moves straight out of the
WWF, he's sure to lay the smack down. I don't really know what
genre he's most like, because there's no resource management or
base building involved for Kabuto.
Strategy basically revolves around the Smarties, another
race inhabiting the islands that can supply your side with all your
weapons and gadgets. He who controls the Smarties, controls his
destiny, or something along those lines. Missions are very well
designed, following a superb storyline chock full of actually good
tongue-in-cheek humor. Of course, Planet Moon are the boys that
originally did MDK so they do know what they're doing. Voice
acting for the cutscenes (rendered in game) is excellent as are the
animations. In addition, the ambient music is well fitting to the
game and enhances the mood of G:CK. There are some really
random boards as well. Sea Reapers have some boards that are
just straight up jet-ski racing. Definitely doesn't fit with the rest of
the game, but I'm not complaining because it's pretty fun.
There's no in game save in G:CK, so you play by the
missions. This isn't nearly as bad as it sounds, as most of the
missions are relatively short. One advantage is that everything
you've built at your base is still there when you restart the mission.
It helps make getting going again quick and painless. There's also
no difficulty adjust, just one straight level. The difficulty is just
about right though. One last issue is the enemy AI. Like most
games, G:CK doesn't set any new standards with AI. For the most
part, enemies are pretty stupid. Some nice things that do work
properly are enemies heading for cover or running away when
badly injured.
Screenshots are what really attracted me to G:CK and
this is one area that carries a double-edged blade. If you're one of
those hardcore gamers who are up to date on hardware, then this
is one pretty game. However, if you're a couple generations
behind (like me) then you're probably not going to be overly happy
with the game. I've been playing on a TNT1 and a TNT2, both of
which do not support bump mapping and I'm rather displeased by
the graphical quality. I did also try this on my friend's Geforce 2 (I
just received my own GF2 today!) with bump mapping and the
game is superbly done. I guess Planet Moon skipped out on
standard texturing and focused heavily on bump mapping because
the landscape is just bland without it. Modeling in the game is also
very good, even without a card capable of bump mapping. Most of
your typical forms of 3D highlights made their way into G:CK, so
there's very few details overlooked.
The game balance is very well done, but I realized early
in multiplayer that when you play one-on-one, one side can't be
Kabuto. He's just too powerful. In a full, ten- player game with all
three sides, only one player gets to be Kabuto. This balances out
the game perfectly. Before I forget, the three key races aren't just
fighting amongst each other, there are also plenty of other
creatures that want to take part in the action. I've heard some
criticism on the stability of multiplayer with it crashing out, but I
never actually experienced anything in the LAN games I was
playing. There is a minor downside to the multiplayer due to the
lack of a built in matchmaking service, so you'll have to resort to
Gamespy or whatever else you use to find games.
Overall, G:CK is one of those games that should please
most everyone. Unfortunately pleasing may come at a cost, a
high-end video card and a fast computer. There's so much in this
game that it'll remain entertaining to go back and replay some of
the missions and then you can move along with the multiplayer.
With the unique balance of the game, it should be a game for a
memorable online experience. The gameplay differences between
each species make this one of the most innovative games to come
out in awhile.
Highs: Great innovation, superb graphics, and it's even
Lows: People on older systems won't get great
performance, semi-buggy, poor AI, no difficulty settings, no
in-game save, no multiplayer matchmaking
See the Game Over Online Rating System