About two months ago, I was flipping through my copy of
the now defunct PC Accelerator magazine and I came across an
article mentioning a new game called Panty Raider. Now this was
PCXL and they're not always being serious, but this sounded like
the real deal so I was interested. Hey it's girls in lingerie after all.
Simon and Schuster aren't exactly a developer known for quality
titles however, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Deer Avenger isn't
exactly what I'd call a classic. The game is finally here though and
it's time for me to delve into a game that seems to be the typical
geek male game.
Panty Raider starts out with a half decent sophomoric
video setting up the idea of the game. Three aliens, one who talks
like a stoned out surfer, one that sounds like Cheech Marin from
Cheech and Chong, and a third who's not all that distinguishing. It
seems these aliens are excited by a lingerie magazine from Earth
that somehow managed to make it all the way across the universe
for them to drool over. Why aliens like Earth girls, I don't know, but
these ones sure do so they've abducted a geek from Earth to go
get pictures for them. I guess they're just not skillful enough to do it
themselves and if they abducted anyone other than geek (who's
supposed to represent you, I guess us computer gamers are still
geeks), it wouldn't be very realistic or inspire the "geek" playing
the game.
Okay ? well enough about the background, you can
read up all that on the back of the box. The game itself is well ?
dismal. This is basically yet another Deer Hunter styled game. Deer
Hunter you say? Yes, that's what I said. It's basically the same
engine and gameplay you've seen in every previous Deer Hunter
clone. I haven't actually played Deer Avenger, but I'm going to
assume that this is the exact same engine. You start out on an
objectives screen. The three aliens are only looking for certain
kinds of underwear, so they'll let you know what you need to look
for. You then move on to the map screen and you pick a place to
go. The map isn't exactly all that thrilling, there's some beach
area, some grassy areas, and some ancient ruins. Once you pick
your spot you're transported there to find "babes" to shoot with
your camera. Now this is where it gets a little advanced, maybe
breaking outside the borders established by previous hunting
games. You're given various tools for attracting and picking out
your "prey." First, you get the "booty call," giving you a good
number of overused and particularly lame pickup lines, ranging
from "I lost my number, can I have yours?" to the time honored
"Hey babe what's your sign?" After you've attracted a "babe," you
need to find out if she's wearing the goods or not, so they've given
you a superman-rivaling x-ray vision device for checking out the
ladies. HOO BOY! AIN'T THAT ORIGINAL? I thought so. If she
doesn't have what you're looking for, she just runs off. If she does,
you move to the next step, keeping her distracted. You drop out a
few "traps" like mirrors and she'll go over and stand by them,
allowing you to move on to business, getting her down to her
skivvies. The aliens have provided with some goop that makes
clothing disappear (hmmm I always thought alcohol worked well
myself). You get to throw this goop on them and then they start
running around until you've hit them three times, at which point
they're in the lingerie you need to photograph (no, you can't get
them naked, this isn't porno). Bust out the camera, get them in the
viewfinder for long enough, and click you've got your picture.
Um, that's really all there is to the game. Basically you
have ten minutes to do that three times. After you do, the game's
over. Yes, that's right in less than ten minutes you can beat the
game. Replay value? well unless you like bad cartoon chicks in
underwear, there isn't any. This won't even get a horny fourteen
year old excited, though, with the simple nature of the game, I
guess it can be played one handed.
There's not really much else to say about this game.
Save $15-20 and go rent American Pie if you want decent
sophomoric humor and ? even real nudity! There is absolutely
NOTHING redeeming in this game. The fifteen minutes I spent
playing were well, fifteen minutes that could have been better
used doing more important things like picking the lint out of my
belly button or scratching my ass. I can't believe Simon and
Schuster actually came up with this idea in the first place, and I
hope for the love of God, that no one's so horny/naïve/disturbed to
actually purchase this game. S&S, STOP ADVERTISING THIS $#&%,
it's pure and utter garbage. This, hands down, takes the cake for
the most worthless computer game to ever occupy the shelves at
Highs: Nothing whatsoever other than I could count the
score on my fingers
Lows: Everything
