Valiant Hearts: The Great War
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ubisoft is riding a wave of momentum with their incredible UbiArt engine as both Rayman games that have used it and the more recent Child of Light showcase…
Ubisoft is riding a wave of momentum with their incredible UbiArt engine as both Rayman games that have used it and the more recent Child of Light showcase…
The story of EA Sports and the UFC is an interesting one. It began with a war as the UFC license was held by THQ, and their Yuke’s-crafted…
Murdered: Soul Suspect is a difficult game to categorize. It has some adventure game elements, but it’s not really an adventure game. It has some action sequences, but…
I’ve been a fan of The Show franchise since it first hit the baseball gaming scene. The presentation has always been slick, the gameplay engaging, and the career…
The Good: High nostalgia value. Excellent plotline and acting. The Bad: Wrapped around a pretty run of the mill FPS. The Ugly: Iffy enemy AI at points. …
Outside of Tropico 2: Pirate Cove, all of the Tropico games have been about the same, with you taking on the role of El Presidente and running the…
Some might say The Elder Scrolls Online was doomed from the beginning. That despite all its promise and close ties to the monumental critical and commercial success that…
Supergiant made a name for themselves with the incredible Bastion. It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly three years since that was released, because it seems like only…
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure is the sixth game in the Tex Murphy adventure game series, following in the footsteps of Mean Streets (1989), Martian Memorandum (1991),…
I generally hate it when people reduce a work in any medium down to what it bears the most obvious similarities to. It strikes me as doing a…