Goodbye Deponia
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Goodbye Deponia is the third Deponia adventure from Daedalic Entertainment, following in the footsteps of Deponia (2012) and Chaos on Deponia (also 2012). It’s surprising that Daedalic has…
Goodbye Deponia is the third Deponia adventure from Daedalic Entertainment, following in the footsteps of Deponia (2012) and Chaos on Deponia (also 2012). It’s surprising that Daedalic has…
Competition is the basis of the capitalist system. The more options you have, the more eager people are to improve their products and ultimately dominate the market. Video…
Beyond: Two Souls follows up on Quantic Dream’s brilliant Heavy Rain with a similarly-immersive interactive story-heavy adventure. Like that game, it is a blending of films with an…
I had to wait a very long time to get my hands on Diablo III, which released over a decade after Lord of Destruction came and took over…
Let’s face it… this title needs no review. The GTA series has always sold itself on the merits of previous offerings, and has always managed to up the…
Timing can be everything, and with Mighty No. 9 getting funded far beyond Keiji Inafune’s wildest dreams, it shows that there’s still a strong market for Mega Man-style…
Rise of Venice is the latest seafaring simulation from Gaming Minds Studio, which in recent years has also released Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty (in 2010) and…
339 hours. That’s how long I’ve played Empire: Total War. Shogun 2 is no slouch either, at 139 hours. I didn’t play the original Rome or Medieval 2…
Disgaea D2 follows up on the original Disgaea by putting the focus back on Laharl, Flonne, and Etna – its trio of fan-favorite characters. In the decade since…
The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief is a three-episode adventure from King Art Games, who are probably best known for their The Book of Unwritten Tales franchise….